[Genesis 6:4] “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them.”

here are several Biblical references about the pre-Adamic tribe of the Nephilim, a people of great strength and gigantic height. Genesis 6 speaks about these giant people intermarrying with the sons of God, which produced the giants. The supposed (Apocrypha) Books of Enoch, some of the surviving ‘Pseudepigrapha’ – meaning ‘false writings’ – are a Jewish myth about angels and demons, an imaginative expansion on the sons of God and daughters of men in the mentioned above Genesis 6. Dating back to 200-100 BC, the scrolls inscribed on papyrus and pottery fragments were dug by archeologists in Israel around 1948.         Upon examination of this literature one quickly realizes that the content pertaining to the giants and the sons of God is highly speculative and illogical. The sons of God described in Genesis are the pure descendants of Adam. God’s first son Adam (according to scripture) had sons who were simply called sons of God after him. Many have implied that the ‘sons of God’ from Genesis 6:4 were angels. Yes they were, but not like the invisible ones - winds, flames and spirits - but visible ones, Adam’s pure and unadulterated seed. That is where it gets interesting: Discovering Adam’s identity as a ‘different (or second) type’ of an angel whom God created to inhabit the earth in a physical appearance. (Adam was a different type of an angel, an angel created to inhabit the earth in a physical form.) His body was made out of dust and hence compatible with the earth.


The cosmic dust locked in meteors and comets contains many minerals, which are also found in our bodies and are essential for physical survival, yet the vivifying force within the body is the Spirit of Life. The thousand years that Adam and his children lived symbolize eternity and the reason for their extended lives was their spiritual properties. Their bodies were agile, not only light in weight but also in ‘glow’. The cosmic mineral content in bones, sinews and cartilages is likely to have been much less dense than that of our skeleton today, which was the result of the merge as spoken of in Genesis 6.
The fact that our bodies contain minerals such as iron, magnesium, copper and zinc, enables them to conduct electricity. The water we drink as well as our blood contains ‘cosmic dust’.  It is the combination of these different minerals that make our bodies electrical conductors and also subjects them to gravitational pulls; therefore aging and gradual decay can be related to gravity. We may also assume that gravity has increased in density over time. The very fact that continents shift and the earths tilt is altered as tectonic plates ‘travel’ give us a possible picture about the composition of environment in the ‘Garden Eden’.


In 2010 at a European Space Agency conference in Bergen, Norway, scientists unveiled a most detailed map of the Earth's gravitational pulls. It is highly interesting to note that in certain parts of the world like around Greenland or the Indian Ocean gravity is measured to be stronger. (Those that have spent much time in space (zero gravity) slowed the process of aging.) If one spends a long period in space with zero gravity, their visible aging process begins to slow down. Another factor that plays a significant role in the aging process is the processing of thought where feelings and emotions influence our minds and thus affect us on an atomic level generating both negative and positive ions. The negative ions seem to effect negative emotions and attitudes such as fear. Most interestingly, almost every person I met that suffered from cancer told me about prolonged periods of depression and negativity.
A clear example of this skewed gravity and warped time is California’s beach resort Santa Cruz at a location called the "Mystery Spot". Balls roll uphill; chairs sit on walls and people lean over backwards (so they can no longer see their own feet) yet they remain standing. Trees grow branches only on one side and people appear shorter or taller than they really are depending on their position within that area. Optical illusions appear in skewed gravitational areas, yet the reason for this strange phenomenon remains unexplained.
The Mystery Spot is a gravity hill - a kind of tilt-induced visual illusion. Inside its tilted room misperceptions of orientation and the height of objects can occur. Even when people are standing outside on level ground, the slant of the building in the background causes misperceptions as the height of a person is perceived using the slant of the roof rather than the true horizon.


So, time slows down inside the Mystery Spot. Time, as it has been proven a real physical dimension beyond reasonable doubt, can be manipulated. Indeed, time itself is an illusion for it is temporary and created by intervals between physical objects. But since distances change; time also changes. Planet earth is constantly moving. The recent Japan quake for instance not only changed the ocean floor but it also changed global time.


It’s been discovered and measured that time becomes slower inside the mystery spot by at least 3 minutes and 40 seconds per 24 hour day! In other words it lags behind. By multiplying 365 days times 24 hours times 60 minutes, we then come to a total of 525,600 minutes. By adding 3 minutes and 40 seconds to each hour, making one hour to be 63 minutes and 40 seconds and then multiplying it by 24, the increase equals an extra 29784 minutes, which when divided by 24 results in 1241 days is roughly 3 years and 4 months. Let us now add the 3 years and 4 months to an average human lifespan of about 80 years (29,440 days). 80 years times 3.4 years equals 272 years. If that is so then by multiplying the average lifespan of 80 years by only four we come up with 320 years. No wonder that our great ancestors, the Adamic people, almost lived millennia. By multiplying an average lifespan by ten we get 800 years, which was roughly the age Adam reached.
Taking into account the life shortening factors such as gravity, sunlight, air and food pollution, we arrive at the crossroad: what is true and what is not? Tangible and visual facts are not necessarily true. Disturbed by gravity proportions appear real, but they are not when they are perceived from another angle. So even our earthly form of measurement cannot be regarded as absolute, considering for instance that on Mars we would encounter a completely different reality.


Once you leave the Mystery Spot and are back in the common environment, you are back in what we have accepted as reality. Based on and with that perception we also measure other constants. From this we eventually get to a point where we will need to make the decision whether we believe something to be true or false. We look at things, we think about them, we measure them with our individual measuring conditions and then we accept them as either true or false.
It wasn’t because of any external circumstances but rather due to the self-destructive factors of man’s evil heart that incited God to limit human lifespan. [Genesis 6:3-4] The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and He goes on to say "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”
Jesus re-emphasizes this in the New Testament [Matthew 15:18-20],“The things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and these defile the man. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders. These are the things which defile the man; but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile the man.”


Negativity attracts negativity and positivity attracts positivity. Why is it so that people often mention the devil in the same breath they talk about God and His wonderful works?  “Be careful”, they say whilst they remain in their ‘security zone’. Could it be that they do not know the fullness of God’s, which that frees us from all insecurity and fear?
Are we possibly hindering God because we love theology more than Him? He wants to be sought and called upon. We sometimes stagger in our walk with Him having one leg stuck in falsehood, not realizing that in fact God Himself created Satan. God is completely sovereign over all and not over just one part of His creation. We cannot be presumptuous about the things of God. In Psalms 19:13, the cry of David’s heart was to depart from presumption. David realized that with time and experience he increased in knowledge and revelation so his prayer was that if there was something that he didn’t yet understand that God would excuse him from his ignorance.


The genealogy of Jesus begins with Joseph, who was not His natural Father. Since the Bible makes it clear that God is Spirit and has no form, Israel was forbidden to make any image of Him in any shape or form. Therefore, the same Spirit that made the physical Adam also made the second Adam, Jesus Christ. If one believes in God’s first creation of Adam then the belief in the virgin birth is just as conceivable.
The same imageless God who made Adam (John 4:22) also created the Son of Man - Jesus (Ben Adam) - within the existing genetic makeup. Jesus (God’s Word) has always existed, for through Him the world was made (Hebrews 1:2). He was deposited into Mary’s womb and brought forth like any other human being except for one fact; the fullness of the Holy Spirit dwelled in Him.
When we come to the genealogy of Jesus in Luke 3:23-38 we notice something that often goes unnoticed. (Verse 23) And Jesus himself, when he began to teach, was about thirty years of age, being the son (as was supposed) of Joseph, the son of Eli (…)” (V.38) “(…) The son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God. If Adam was the first son of God then logically speaking His sons were the sons of God.
While the Bible is the spoken Word of God, we do not have to dogmatically believe every single word written in the Bible, since we deal with translations of the original old Hebrew text, which is often translated with varying levels of understanding. Some have a spiritual understanding while others don’t. Some perceive things emotionally or mentally, while others perceive them spiritually; these are the differences between people. If someone who has filtered the spirit realm through only carnal perception and then formulated, or established, unmovable dogmas passing them onto others; then he or she also seals a follower with the same. Errors can be passed down through generations. A common mistake is this: out of respect and convenience we do not dare to use our own sense of perception (even though we have discovered logical errors). Nonetheless, we are accountable before the Almighty for He gave us His special grace to find errors, so will we chose to receive God’s grace or comply with that ‘great saint’ who wrote some untouchable truth on parchment by candlelight? Excuse my irony but for religion to progress we need to think with a fresh mind and only partially from hierarchal knowledge, which to often hinders true knowledge. I delight in loyalty rather than sacrifice, and in the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings or only repetitious rituals (Hosea 6:6).


Adam is called the son of God because God made Him according to His image and likeness (Hebrew ‘TZELEM’).

[Genesis 4:25-26] “Adam had relations with his wife again; and she gave birth to a son, and named him Seth, for, she said, God has appointed me another offspring in place of Abel, for Cain killed him. To Seth, to him also a son was born; and he called his name Enosh. Then men began to call upon the name of the LORD. “

[Genesis 5:3] “When Adam had lived one hundred and thirty years, he became the father of a son in his own likeness, according to his image, and named him Seth.”

Just as Adam was made according to God’s ‘TZELEM’ (mirror reflection), who is Spirit, so was Seth also. God traces the line of Seth and leaves off the line of Cain as if Cain’s genealogy was of no interest. Later on in time we find the words of Jesus who said, (Matthew 7:22) “So then, you will know them by their fruits.” This is quite interesting since Seth was the replacement of Abel whom Cain killed. Just as the Holy Spirit is the replacement of Jesus whom the Kenites killed. Jesus has not orphaned us; He came to us in the person of the Holy Spirit.
Through an extensive and meticulous study of God’s Word we conclude that the tares, which Jesus had mentioned (Matthew 13:30 & 38) must be those of Cain’s line also called Kenites. But he left it veiled in mystery, but not without hinting. Today, we do not point fingers, for we cannot assume or know until we can see the fruits.
God Himself possesses no physical body, for if He had one, He would have to be subject to the laws of gravity, light and darkness and to time. He commanded us to NOT MAKE any image or likeness for IN HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS HE HAD MADE US. Therefore, anything void of physical imagery must be spiritual and can only be spiritually grasped (read Deuteronomy 4:15-31, Isaiah 40:18 & John 4:22-24). Pagan nations always carved physical gods out of stone, metal and wood while today's idols are made out of rubber and plastic, but also in our minds.


Angels do not possess reproductive organs for they are spiritually masculine and feminine and when they appear in our hemisphere, people perceive them to be either masculine or feminine. When you look for pictures of angels on the Internet you will find that most contain that images of women or children with wings. Perhaps to men they look like men and to women they look like women. The truth however is that in heaven we shall be like angels again, genderless. Angels do not marry nor do they produce angelic offspring.

[Matthew 22:30] For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.

Conclusively, the sons of God must have been Adam’s seed, God’s first son, for only this seed was commanded to populate the earth. Angels did not receive such a command; had they received it then Genesis 6 would have not left much to speculate on. Therefore the obvious conclusion is that the sons of God were the original unmixed seed of Adam.

[Genesis 6:3] Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he ALSO is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”

Apparently the ALSO has a great meaning, it is not a typing error or mistranslation, it is there in the original Hebrew text. The “also” means that not only Cain married outside Adam’s family and mixed his genes with other people, which must have existed long before the creation of Adam, but also, to some extent also Seth’s line intermingled. As a result of this clash of genes several nations of giants emerged.

Note: The sons of God - not daughters - were the ones who joined the non-Adamic race therefore a clan, tribe and eventually nation is named after the father and not after the mother. Adam’s seed passes from son to son, so does his name also. From this connection comes Noah the righteous. In Noah’s loins we have already the three: the seed, the tares and the field as portrayed by Jesus in Matthew 13.

The seed of God passed through Adam’s son Seth, who, as already mentioned, was the replacement of the righteous Abel. That righteous line appears throughout the entire Bible through the genealogies of Noah, Abraham, Moses, the prophets and also Jesus.


It seems as if scientific discoveries collide with the Biblical descriptions, but is this really so? One needs to read the Bible under a larger magnifying glass and use God’s gift of logic to make the discovery. Many scientists claim that it was an evolutionary process. We might agree with them, but only to a certain point. The physical garments (genetic makeup) of other non-Adamic peoples might have been different than those mentioned in Genesis.
Science confirms that about 5800 years ago people started to grow a large brain, and everyone wanted it.
Bruce Lahn’s paper on the recent evolution of the human brain asserts that new versions of two genes are currently spreading throughout the human population, and that these genes are more prevalent in some geographic regions than others. He has speculated that these genes may be linked to brain size and intelligence and has wondered if the mutations—one of which took place roughly 40,000 years ago, the other, 5,800 years ago—correlate with the development of art, written language, and the founding of cities.
Scientific data points to the first human habitats of about 40,000 years ago, which would predate the biblical account of Adam (6000 years ago) but that would explain the existence of people like the Sumerians. It would also explain Cain’s words to God, (Genesis 4:14) “…whoever finds me will kill me.” Most certainly he did not speak of his own family, but rather of a more primitive people; who most likely not only hunted animals, but also other people.
What we are dealing with is the Truth, the Bible and our genes, a subject that has become predominant today. By God’s grace the progress in genetic research has made an unprecedented leap forward. Why this particular department of science became so predominant can only be explained by an increase and multiplication of God’s grace through which God desires to reveal more to us. He seeks His lost children amidst confusion, which to a certain extent is a blessing to us, God’s seed. Out of confusion we move toward clarity, which brings us to the point of discovery and realization as to who we were, who we are and who we will soon be.
Numerous fantastic bestseller novels circulate the globe filling the minds of millions with ideas of fallen angels, demons and mythological gods using dates like 200,000, 40,000 and 10,000 years before Christ. Lie-possessed, or illusion-possessed people eventually cross the line of sobriety and get drunk with their own fantastic brew. But as the Bible says (Romans 1:24-28) after such have been given over to their own depraved mind they can’t turn back the clock anymore. But we can. Repentance is the God given grace and it does undo any wrongs we have ever committed.
God abhors all forms of violence; that’s why the Bible says that He is loving and compassionate. He is peace and joy. Sin is hurt and violence, which came to earth through Cain who never showed any remorse for his sin. When Cain mixed with other people then violence became the issue. Women lusted after those handsome men and they got them (with God’s permission of course). Even though it seems as if it had displeased the Lord that Adam’s seed ALSO became flesh, God had allowed it.
Dr. Lahn’s researches examined the DNA of 1,184 people around the world in non-racially mixed areas. They estimated that one undamaged variation, microcephalin haplogroup D (version one or V1) first appeared around 40,000 BC and has since spread to some 70 percent of humans.
A second variant of the gene, abnormal spindle-like microcephaly, associated haplo group D (V2), arrived more recently, around 6,000 BC, and has since spread to 30 percent of humans, most common in Europe and the Middle East…
I call the V2 gene “unique” for that’s when the mix occurred.
To be holy means to be separate, that is why in the Bible we are called to holiness. It has nothing to do with race or flesh, but rather the avoidance of spiritual and intellectual contamination.


It greatly displeased the Lord when He saw how His sons used the power of dominion upon the earth. Human corruption occurred not because the sons of God cohabited with the daughters of men, but rather that they borrowed and adopted their violent animal like ways. Gross depravity tilted the scales. God chose a descendant of Seth’s son Enosh, Noah the righteous. God did not say replenish (KJV) the earth, but (original Hebrew: Ma’ale) fill the earth. Fill the earth with what? – With your righteous kind, but instead, the earth had undergone a baptismal cleansing. Noah and his family members carried genes of Seth, Cain and those other peoples in Ashur in particular. The DNA of all races, shapes and colors were in the wives of Noah’s sons as well as in his own wife and her sons.

[Genesis 6:4] The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward…

Yes, God permitted it all, otherwise those other, non-Adamic people would’ve been nonexistent, yet they were there when God created something new with Adam. A study of purely hereditary structures of the body is NO PROOF at all, simply because LIFE ITSELF is not studied. Life is spirit and if this spirit cannot be studied then we must follow a different line of thought.
Note that in Genesis 1:26 the spiritual man is created FIRST! In Genesis 2:7 the PHYSICAL man is formed out of the ground. This sequence is often blurred due to a predominant attachment to only the physical perceptions.
The descendants of Abel and Seth were most likely allowed to join other women of the non-Adamic kind. For this was God’s way that the earth would be filled with these brand new genes, which the biblical record traces, and which the omniscient God wanted for us to know and study.
The giants were called by different nations: Nephilim, Anakim, Rephaim, Emim, Zumzim, Zuzim and Zamzumim. As it is today we see that when one comes into contact with the unusual, one begins to pay attention to details. So some called the ‘Anakim’ as people with long necks. The ‘Rephaim’ were interpreted as shadowy figures. The ‘Emim’ provoked fear so their names meant horror and terror. The name ‘Zamzumim’ mean tribes that make noise and were perceived as evil out of pure fright.
When God sent spies to Canaan, the land of Cain, the spies saw the giants and one group trembled in fright, yet Joshua and Caleb did not dread them. Why? They noticed something amusing, for the fear of the Almighty God was already upon all the inhabitants of the land. Joshua and Caleb did not perceive the giants to be evil or aggressive. We assume that the twelve spies were singled out from each tribe. Since Joshua and Caleb were the ones that believed God it would be worthwhile checking their background.
Moses, Aaron and Miriam come from the priestly family. Moses's successor, Joshua the son of Nun an Ephraimite, was under Eleazar the priest. Now, Caleb the son of Jephunneh the son of Kenizzite was from Judah.
According to Genesis 15:19 Kenizzites are Kenites, descendants of Cain, joined Judah. The rest of the spies incurred God's wrath. Today only Judah and the Levites survived and are simply called Jews. Where are the ten tribes? Yes, they intermixed and are gone. But look how God used a Kenite, a man of valor who possessed the city of the giants, Hebron. Thanks to the Kenite tribe among them, Judah has survived to this very day.

[Deuteronomy 8:18] “But you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.

It is the Jewish gene that echoes the past all the way to Adam. Many people do not realize it, but if they have any affinity with the Jew and the modern state of Israel; most likely they carry at least one Semitic gene. Those who are inherently biased or indifferent, seeing themselves as devout Christians and yet they exclude the Jews and plant themselves in their stead propagate an invention called the replacement theology.
Some say that Hitler had Jewish blood, but apparently it was Kenite rather than a Judean blood, because his fruit was most extreme hatred, which he also utilized. “Mein Kampf” (German: My Fight) which he wrote in prison was a dead giveaway as to his true sentiments and plans, but his book was only a tool to find out if the German people even care. Upon finding out that they are as prejudiced as he was; Hitler embarked on the democratic maneuvering wagon all the way to his chancellorship, presidency and dictatorship. In his “love” for Germany Hitler’s heart was eaten up with venomous hatred for the so-called “inferior races” until he ordered their elimination.
I also have Kenite genes in me, I am sure of it 100%, the ability to survive and to prosper is very present, but I am not in love with that which only gleams for a short while, but with something of a much higher value. The Kenite trait in us is like a trampoline, a device or like a rubbery wall from which we bounce, this device is called choice. Unless we have something better than being a Kenite we will succumb to that gene’s shams. But just as there is the plus and minus, without which there is no power, we use the horizontal minus only to vertically rise higher and thus create plus.


The ancient stone structures that exist to this very day (in Egypt, Lebanon, Mexico, Europe, Israel and the city of Jerusalem) are most likely the work of those gigantic superhuman beings. The descendants of Nephilim most likely transported those awesome stones.
At the Western Wall in Jerusalem several stones are so gigantic that today’s technological advancement is not able to figure out as to how these stones were transported. Since no iron tool was used in the construction of Solomon’s temple and the stones had to be precut at the quarries and then transported over and up to Mt. Moriah, no one was able to accomplish this task except perhaps… the giants. Besides being gigantic, the giants also possessed angelic-like qualities, such as agility. The laws of physics make allowances for postulating a notion for reversal gravity, as it has been earlier mentioned (Santa Cruz, California. Actually I got my very first car, Dodge Dart, from Santa Cruz). If gravity can be skewed and objects can appear lighter, then they can also float, just as some illusionists do by walking on water using electromagnets. Magnetic fields are not partial to only iron. Our bodies are magnets that repel or draw. Personal magnetism is used loosely, but this magnetism is real and very powerful, for indeed we can increase it.


I remember how the Lord healed a woman in England who suffered from multiple sclerosis for 25 years. After she opened her heart for the God’s kind of faith her countenance had completely changed. Her husband was an atheist. To make the story short, I put my right hand on her and the awesome power that passed through me vibrated through my entire body and then moved over my arm and oozed down like a hot oil from the tips of my fingers and then sunk into the woman. She cried, “I am burning!” Then she got up and started to walk for the very first time in 25 years. On the next day her atheist husband gave his life to God and the same power knocked him down to the ground and there was no one to catch him.
That magnetism can be used in special events only, and one of those most special events was the construction of Solomon’s temple.
The Adamic people lived very long lives because of a much weaker gravitational pull. Bodies were lighter, but the angelic element in the Adamic people was also there which is part of levitation. These great secrets have been lost to us; and many do not even want to revive them for they have sealed their minds with a solid wall of doubt; that’s why our progress is so slow. However, in science we have many theories and many feel quite comfortable with them, but when it comes to the biblical record; ‘horns, hoofs and tail start to protrude.’


Angels in heaven have different sizes; some are very tall others seem to be a quite normal almost human size. Adam, God's first son, from whom Abel and Seth were born, was very much like an angel. And since he was to inhabit the physical earth he had to be made compatible with the earth. Just as angels in heaven were created to serve the invisible God in the spiritual realm they also serve us discreetly here on earth.
God repented and grieved and in His grief and decided to continue until the remnant of His people would return to Him, but triumphant and glorious. All others, like stubble, would cease to exist.
One can clearly see that genes carry the information or awareness of good and evil. Through this comes the knowledge as to how we ought to handle this precious gift of life. Those that handled it with evil—trying to outsmart and outrun the other through conniving and plotting, like Jezebel did—God cut off. Only Noah had handled correctly this precious knowledge and remained righteous, thereby he was saved. However, what was in His loins already bore various fruits, which were manifested in Canaan, Japheth, Ham and Shem.


As the giants intermarried with same size people, the other offspring of Adam looked quite normal and blended with the general population of the earth. Due to inbreeding the giants and their genes waned.

[Numbers 24:21-22] And he looked at the Kenite, and took up his discourse and said, “your dwelling place is enduring, and your nest is set in the cliff.”

Constantly in danger yet secure, because of the sign God had appointed for Cain (Genesis 4:15).

[V. 22] “Nevertheless Kain (obviously Cain) (Kenites KJV) will be consumed (Hebr. Ba’ar to burn, consume, kindle, be kindled); how long will Asshur keep you captive?”

The burning reference is obvious.

[Matthew 13:30] Allow both to grow together until the harvest; and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, First gather up the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up; but gather the wheat into my barn.

[V. 40] So just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the end of the age.

Noah disciplined himself and educated his family. We conclude therefore that the knowledge of God makes us into spiritual giants or overcomers. An overcomer must have an obstacle to cross over, a river to ford and a mountain to climb; otherwise he cannot be called an overcomer.
In Genesis 6:5 we read about the intent of the thoughts of the heart. Every thought was evil and every heart’s intent produced evil actions, which is violence. Ever since then the Bible is strewn with references to peace.

[Isaiah 32:17] And the work of righteousness will be peace, and the service of righteousness, quietness and confidence forever.

Producing peace, making peace and maintaining peace at any cost is the work of righteousness on earth. Those that make peace are called sons of God (Mat. 5:9); therefore, there is no way that the sons of God could have ever been the fallen angels who supposedly contaminated the human race on earth.
It is obvious that the managing of thoughts had proven to be quite difficult, perhaps impossible to the first mixed generation of people. A complete obliteration was not only necessary, but it was an act of God’s grace for it is better for you to perish then pollute the earth. Raping children, scarring them for life is not the way God planned our dominion upon this planet. Had God not eliminated the violent with his violence we would have inherited the most base and primitive genetic makeup. But thank God for His intervention. It all comes down to our will and choice.
Look now at this clear knowledge! We are able to CHOOSE again the ORIGINAL SEED OF ADAM THE FIRST SON OF GOD and now we can choose the good.
Philip the Evangelist tapped into this angelic line within the pool of his righteous genes and was translated from place to place by God’s Spirit; and all of his four virgin daughters, as it written in Acts 21:9, were prophetesses.
This knowledge is released now to you so that you might embrace one and distance yourself from the other. We must return to this potent message of the Messiah for His power is not diminished.


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